So therefor ... I almost gave up. Now about 6 - 8 months has passed since the catastrophe and I'm out of mourning and anger and beginning to be friends with my 'puter again.
But for starters I need to re-install the Poser-stuff so I can can start rendering new images. That will take a LOT of time before it's done. So please be patient with me <3
I've just downloaded a cute free figure, Pippin, and she will be my first gift to you to create cute tags or ... whatever you'll like to do.
Click on the image to see a larger version. Download link under
You can download her HERE.
Love to see your work!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

My tubes are FREE but a link to your creations or a Thanx is always appreciated. /TLD
So happy to see you back! I check back every so often and was pleased to see this new set of cuties!! Sorry you lost your stuff...I have had that happen to me, too. Thank you for these new tubes.