You can NOT include them AS THEY ARE in any CD's or DVD's.
I own the original tube as it is, and you are given permission to use these tubes for your own personal use.
The resulting image is not to be used for financial gain or reward or contained in any CD's, unless you first contact me.
Where it states the final image is yours, please do not offer exclusively unless your image is drastically different from the one that I made. I do not want to be asked why I have a copy of their "exclusive" image, nor should others who have used my tubes be asked the same.
NEW: You may use my images in scrap kits ONLY IF you're sharing them for FREE and give the credit I've earned. NO COMMERCIAL USE!
If you have any questions concerning my Terms of Use, please feel free to email me.
Thank you for taking the time to read these terms.
I hope you enjoy my tubes and above all ~ Have Fun.
If you want to link to me, you can use these textlinks;
or HERE where you find linklogos to choose from.
Thank you for likeing and downloading my work!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

My tubes are FREE but a link to your creations or a Thanx is always appreciated. /TLD
I'm not sure if my last message was sent or not, but this is generally what I said. First of all, I want to thank you so much for allowing us to have you fantastic work for free. It is just so awesome! Your variety is great, no matter what I am looking for to make tags is here and yes ma'am, I do give you the credit for them! Why wouldn't I? I wouldn't want you to close it up and not share any more! Again, thank you so much! Grace Schaffer-From Vero Beach, Florida, USA
SvaraRaderaThanks a lot for your kind comments. There have been times I wanted to give uo, because I'v been sick the last three years. But 'm getting better and I hope to put something up soon, again.
RaderaThanks so much for still being here. Your work is much appreciated. Thank you for making for us to play with.
SvaraRaderaYou are welcome :-)